Thursday, October 31, 2019

Public Opinion and the Global Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Opinion and the Global Culture - Essay Example Another definition, by Angell (1991, in Beerkens, 2006), stresses the social dynamic: â€Å"The world economy has become so highly interdependent as to make national independence an anachronism, especially in financial markets. The interdependence is driven by science, technology and economics – the forces of modernity; and these forces, not governments, determined international relations. Thanks to this interdependence, war between nations is an impossibility.† Beck (2000, p. 86), on the other hand, emphasizes the political implications: â€Å"Globalization – however the word is understood – implied the weakening of state sovereignty and state structures.† Millberg (1998) focuses on the economic: â€Å"Globalization is dominated by transnational firms and financial institutions, operating independently of national boundaries or domestic economic situations.† And most perceptively, by Cerny (1999), on the state promoting globalization:  "However, this does not mean that, once the genie is out of the bottle, globalization is reversible.† Taking the layman’s common understanding of the term, the globalization process has been celebrated worldwide as the inevitable key to international economic progress. Less publicized are its negative repercussions, both economically and culturally, upon populations adversely affected by the movement of goods and capital from wealthy countries to those less wealthy, and movement of groups of people from the poorer, crowded nations to those rich importers of manpower and expertise. Landis (2008) notes that the large influx of people of divergent cultures and backgrounds cause crowding into urban centers, creating social tensions and sometimes open inter-ethnic conflict between host populations and the new entrants. Globalization disrupts local communities and livelihoods. Bathelt and Kappes (2008) examined the merged chemicals firm Aventis, from the German Hoechst and the French

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mangment 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mangment 3000 - Essay Example The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is an important tool to assess the needs of the people. II. Providing adequate opportunity to the individual for showcasing his/her abilities, so that the individual is able to contribute to the best of his/ her ability towards the completion of the task and growth of the company. I consider the ‘recognition’ and ‘career development opportunities’ as the most valuable ones. If someone is able to accomplish the assigned task in a satisfactory manner and the management gives it due recognition, the manager personally congratulates the individual, then it proves quite helpful in boosting the motivational levels of the person. If such testimonials are followed by promotional opportunities, then it works wonders for the individual, the team, and of course the company. If the manager is aware about my preferences for doing good work, and he gives due consideration to my needs, this will certainly help in improving the interpersonal communication and mutual respect between employees and managers. My dominant needs are safety needs and self esteem needs. While working for the company having a decent pay package with reasonable assurance of job security results in boosting the self confidence of the individual. This in turn reflects on the manner in which the individual tries to implement the strategies and jobs assigned to him. Self respect is another key attribute which works up to the advantage of the worker. Nobody likes to work for the company if he is treated in a denigrating manner. These needs certainly help while functioning in a group. If we accord due respect to every team member, we are bound to get equal respect from each team member. This brings up the required team spirit for effective functioning of the group. It is worthwhile here to mention that a team is also composed of people with differing abilities, qualification and motivation levels. A cohesive team of highly motivated and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Risk Management For Huawei

Risk Management For Huawei HUAWEI is a well known company Providing Telecommunication business all over the world but risks cannot be ignored. The Purpose of this manual is to provide suggestion to handle the risks in the company functional areas The manual can be helpful in identifying the efficiency of the risk management system. Also can be beneficial in less attention risk areas. It will use the standards, policy and strategy of Huawei to identify the tools of the risk management system. The risk management should be parallel activity and must be well documented.For easy understanding the risk management system is divided in three Stages. Stage 1 Development of Strategy and vision for the risk management system with clear goals. This is beneficial for the awareness of the company employees. The engagement of the employees will increase the success of risk management. Risk aware culture will improve and work better of Risk management. This stage included the planning, roles and responsibilities, communication, resources and training of having level. Stage 2In stage2 the proposal for various areas are considered in risk management, which identify the responsibility of individual area and various kind of training is needed, a campaign should be create among the employes regarding risk management. Industry and market risk: Business: customer and market, product and innovation Operational risks: including Safety systems, Environmental risks, Human reliability, Organizational risk Financial risks: the risk associated to any form of finance (credit, market) Stage 3 In stage 3 identification of the process and the way of application in each individual area and the way to interwork build the process of risk management. Risk Identification: Manual in practical Statistics as input Risk Assessment:In the culture of the company the information about the risk management should be important part. Risk Response and Risk control. Proper Training of Risk analysis. To identify the need of training for the people whose responsibility is coordinating and implementing the risk management. The manual does not give direction for each area specifically, but will be the general guidance to need of implementation of risk management The responsible person in each area wil analyze and detailed knowledge That will make risk management successful. Competency Policy in Risk Analysis An organization may use a numerous methods and technique when risk mapping is implement . For risk analysis, there are a wide range of techniques used: HAZOP/HAZAN/FMEA/FTA Studies Statistical analysis of past incidents Consequence modeling Risk level Comprehensive Quantitative Risk Assessments Monte Carlo simulations Determination of individual/societal risks Determination of environmental risks In the light of the above manual personnel in the organization will have required experience for the described techniques. The policy will include evaluating the competence strength and weakness of the skills. It will also identify and shape the risks which apply to different people working in various departments.The realization of sophisticated methods used by experts. Creation of risk mitigation along with control plan with the option of implimintation. The input should be provided for the development of organization risk management system. Authorization of Risk Traning. The Managers working with other departments should be responsible for traning.Approval should be made by top management and ensure of the planning. .Relation to the market with competence considerations. Operational risks The risk factors may be caused due to deliveries and financial situation on the supplies of the factor is long term dependency to supplier. Safety Regulations should be implemented. Production risk Risk Analysis Requirements Supplier risk Information Risk. Financial Risk. The Hauwei has made efforts to control Risks in its acatvities.Due to the expansion of the company internationally, new partners are entered and IT dependency increases new risks are created. Huawei has been affected due to currency inflation in the market. To mitigate these kind of risk arises from foreign currency exchange Huawei use cash equivalents, financial receivables, debt of short and long term. Types of Financial Risk Change in Currency conversion rate Interest rates Assets lost Economical risk . Management ReviewTo see status of the project and resource allocation management review is done. The analysis results of audits, preventive and corrective actions is done by management rivew.Due to management review some decisions can be made like increase resources:Imrovement in risk management process,machines,manpower etc The information management system can be introduced and be the out put for management review. . Some methods we can use: SWOT This technique is used on finding strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats and then analysis of risk on the basis of our finding. In Huawei we keep on conduct SWOT analysis which can help in identifying and managing of risk.. Breakdown: Risk in break down is of great importance and should be checked regularly and preventive measure should be taken to minimize. Product Liabilities: liability like people must be kept into deliberation. Accept Risk Some of the risk may be of low importance and just accept without removing.The significant business risk may be formal and must be decided by senior managers. Avoid Risk Avoidance risk is to change business practices and no more exposed to specific risk. Transfer Risk To share some of the risk with other is called transfer risk we can take Insurance policy as a example. Risk management organizational levels Each member of the organization has to play a role in management system control,as it is the process dependent on the people.The role of individual people in risk control varies in organization .The most top management should define the rules for risk management and control.every body in the organization should have responsibility of controlling the risk. COMPTENCE ANALYSIS: Competence analysis in an organization can be done by interviewing the individuals or the teams and asses what needs to be done to improve the situation in order to minimize the risk of failure. In order to understand competence analysis we have to describe the level of competence so that we could compare the risks involved in different areas of the organization.A target framework derived from business strategies, plans, objectives and targets.Analysis of strategic requirements, gathered from the obtained framework. Covering all aspects of changes required regarding to that framework. Strategic, critical,declining and core competencies. Level of competence is different in different areas of an organization, depending upon the roles and responsibilities of the employees. We can make a competency model by dividing the organization into teams depending on their ability, experience and skills with more focus in the risk management area. In this way we will be able to see the important competencies in different departments. We split the competence levels into the following three: Low Medium High COMPETENCE MAPPING: Competence mapping is the process from which we can asses and determine the strength of workforce of employees to avoid any kind of risks. The employees play an important role in the success and development of an organization.We can use the competence mapping to identify the knowledge of the employees in risk management and then fill the gaps with the training. Competence mapping is a chart that shows the specification level. The present competence level and required level is marked in the chart with the diversified lines. The gap between the lines points out the required developments that must be addressed in the competence development plan. When the competence levels are evaluated, the competence mapping can be drawn. COMPETENCE GAPS: It is essential to define the competence gaps of the employers; because the performance of the employers depends in large part of skills of the employers. It is also very important for many organizations to define which skills, that the employers must have, are necessary for that particular area of the organization.Analyzing the Competence gap help us to identify which competence in risk management is needed for each employee. We can identify these gaps by comparing the current situation of the workforce and our future needs. If we have a rating between Current Requirements and Future Requirements and it is larger than the Competency that we posses that means we have a competency gap. This helps them improve and provide an environment for the implementation of risk management system. PLANNING FOR IMPROVED COMPETENCE SHORT RANGE AND LONGRANGE Risk management can not be seen as one time project, it has to improved and followed up all time. It is needed a plan for the improvement of the competence in order to make it works. Also it is very important to have a plan for improving the competence in a short and long range. After the evaluation of the risk management knowledge of the employees, the plan for the competence training short range will be developed. Once the competence gaps are found out, here are the required basic steps that must befollowed in order to develop a plan to overcome those gaps and to improve the competencies. Finding out the key skills required by the organization Evaluate the personals: To evaluating the personals and examine their levels in each of the relevant competencies. Requesting a feedback from stakeholders, colleagues and managers. Ordering and prioritizing the gaps: When it comes to focusing on closing the gaps, risk management department should choose the best option or way to cope it. It could beanother training class or a session with subject matters, reading for self-improvement subjects etc. Controlling the progress: The final step for the overcoming the competence gaps and improving them process should be monitoring the process that the risk department or committee have taken to increase the personnels competence levels. Once the committee is convinced that the target level for the personals is reached, they can close and improve the gap and move to the next priority area. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE COMPETENCE TRAINING IN RISK ANALYSIS SYSTEM Since the word competence is quite important for the job performance, the role of managers to do the planning and implementation of training process is very critical. So, they should be very careful before and during the training process, since their misunderstandings could lead up the unexpected risks.Creating a training material is important to be ensure that this training is delivered to the right personnel at the right time.It is undeniable that using competency training and competency assessment provide theorganization to reduce risk and to improve performance by developing competency frameworks. Below, there are rules that should be taken into account when creating or implementing a competence training system in a risk analysis system; It is important for employees to be able to actualize their performance what they have learned during the training process and to be encouraged to apply their thoughts and opinions into the real case. This will allow them to be clear and be more precise while they identify, evaluate and analyzing the risk. It is clear that competence training is used within the risk analysis system of an organization in order to increase efficiency of employees current job performance.Competence training system should be well integrated to risk analysis system so that the attendances are active participants and able to create solutions to reduce the risk of the organization during and after the training system.A risk analysis system can be well done by applying the competence training to risk committee.This can provide the employers a better understanding and gives some real ideas in the field of risk management. PLANS FOR SECURING THE COMPETENCE NEEDED There is a need of reviewing the strategy for securing the competence needed, A plan for spreading the information within the company has to be reviewed all the time through the internal trainings, job rotation, documenting all the work done from consultants working in the different areas and spreading the culture of sharing knowledge among the employees. The risk manager has to be working very close to the managers of each area to identify the key persons and not allowing that a gap occurs when the person leaves the company, jeopardizing the projects and products quality Securing the competencies for an organization can be guided by an integration approach that is measured by the organizations strategy. As an instance, for an organization, in order to secure the necessary competencies, some actions can be taken such as developing and involving new skills and competence in the right place and right time.Enriching the value of expertise of the organization by clearly identifying the strategicareas.Additional training for the development by ordering and prioritizing the training programs.After the competence are determined, identifying a competence development plan byutilizing from career planning, experts opinion, guidance for recruitment etc. EVALUATION OF TRAINING RESULTS The evaluation of the trainings demonstrates that if this training has a positive or negative or no impact on the risk area.After defining the risk areas and objectives in these risk areas, these objectives can be evaluated by using a post-training evaluation form. About the content, methods, materials and delivery of the training, the participants opinions can be asked and they can asked to ratetheir satisfactions about these titles. After gathering these risk evaluation forms andparticipants opinions, the training workshops about risk areas can be revised and performed again. In order to evaluate the impact of the training on defined risk areas, an impact monitoring exercise can be performed. This can involve sampling from random trainersevaluations about these training. These evaluations can be a questionnaire which was fulfilled by participants about the trainings. AUDIT OF THE COMPETENCE SYSTEM To audit the competence of the system, the standards, guidelines and procedures should be identified. Standards determine compulsory requirements for auditing and reporting. They can be auditors skills, knowledge or experience, etc. Also the auditors should use professional judgments in their application. The aim of guidelines is to explain how to obey the auditing standards. Apart from these standards, guidelines and procedures, an auditor would be going in search of addressing these issues to audit an organizations compliance with the competence.The organization should evaluate the impressiveness of activities taken to meet competence needs and to make certain the needed competence has been gathered.The organization can use many kinds of techniques and tools like role-play,observation, reviews of trainings and employment records, interviews, etc. for theevaluation method of effectiveness of activities.The organization should determine what competencies are needed by team performing work which affects quality.The auditor should determine the approach to define these competencies for organization.To control the quality characteristics of products or processes, the competent personnel should be assigned.The auditor may survey job descriptions, testing or official examination activities,records of management reviews, definitions of responsibilities and authorities, audit records, customer complains, process validation records, etc. to verify the competenceof personnel for the work. IMPROVEMENTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Improvement opportunities during an audit can be documented to make certain corrections.Also problems can be related with the specific compliance areas and business processes so that high risk areas can be identified easily.Corrective actions are steps which are taken to address existing non compliance and make improvements. These actions take care of actual problems which have been occurred. They define the cause of these problems and solve them by removing causes. These corrective actions can be defined as problem solving processes. Problem costs can be determined so that resources can be set aside to areas where the business would utilize them with best benefit. PREVENTIVE ACTIONS The organization should define the actions to remove the causes of potential non conformities in order to prevent their occurrence. These actions should be defined properly due to the effectiveness of potential problems. The process of preventive actions can be defined as :Define potential problems and their causes.Evaluate the requirement for preventive actions for these problems.Define and execute the action needed.Record the results of preventive action and review it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Flight Training for the Fighter Wings :: Creative Writing Short Stories Flying Essays

Flight Training for the Fighter Wings First Installment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The shuttle landed at 0430 hours. Linkan, sitting in the rear of the shuttle looked out the cockpit window to glance out at the huge complex. The system was clear out to Phare's Star. Linkan could almost feel the power of the Emperor’s Hammer. As they had come in system from Setti, they had passed the SSSD Sovereign and her taskforce. He had been in the right seat to see the huge ship. It was beautiful and emanated power from within her structure, the turbo laser batteries sticking out likes tiny pricks along her hull.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As they cleared her bow, Linkan leaned forward and saw Daedalus. The place he’d be living for the next three months. Well from what he heard, he knew this was the best place to go to learn to be a pilot. Linkan thought back to the last four months. It had been a long road since he had been accepted to the TIE Corps. Most people thought that you came straight to the platform and hopped into a fighter. Boy, was that not the case.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Back on Setti, Linkan had attended the local Imperial Fighter wing’s school and basic training program. Nine weeks of hell later, Linkan had graduated from basic training and had moved onto the Search and Rescue school run jointly with the Hammer’s Fist on Carida II. There he had been under the tutelage of a certain First Lieutenant Havz, a very forceful commander who had taught him and his class of pilots what to do in the case of ejection or having to crash land your fighter. It had been a very stressful three weeks as they tested to see if he could withstand the stress of such operations. The last mission had been a simulated crash. Him and his partner, Dru Stavenal of Aurora Prime, were dropped off by shuttle in the middle of Carida’s forest. They were to survive together for a period of 96 hours in the wild, under difficult circumstances. Dru had broken his ankle on the second day, and Linkan had to care for him during the rest of the 72 hours until they could reach the pickup point. He had barely been able to carry the human the last five klicks to the waiting shuttle. He had passed the test with flying colors the instructor had said, now only if he would pass the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Farewell Speech Essay

Worthy principle respected teacher and my dear fellow student a.s.a. I am Alizeh Eman from class 9 girls. Today we all have gathered here to bid the matric class of our school our farewell. This academic year is about to come to an end. We all might say that we don’t like school or we want to get out of it as soon as we can but when it all really comes to an end we know we will really miss it.And I bet that all the matric class students understand this perfectly well since its really the end of school for them now. They have really gone through it all and will soon enter their pratical lives. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the matric class on behalf of my whole class. This batch of the matric class shall never be forgotten. They have really been ideal seniors for us. They have correctedus when we went wrong and have patted out backs on our achievements. They have not only been great seniors but they have also been great students. The have certainly studid as hard as they could and have made their teachers proud and have inspired us to do the same. They have guided not only us but the other juniors as well and have always tried to give in your best to lead us to the right path. Our matric class is now at a very important stage of life. This is where a new life begins for you. It gives great sorrow to do this, but we have to bid you our goodbyes. As you step forward into this new phase of your life, we hope for you to get the very best in life. We hope from God to keep you under his protection and bless you with a great future. We hope you remember us through the years of life Personally, and on the behalf of Class 9, Our teachers and respected principle, I wish you all the best in your says ahead.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Employment contracts Essay

An employment contract is made between an employer and employee where the employer agrees to offer a salary in return for the employee performing duties. The purpose of a contract of employment is to draw up rules and regulations concerning the rights, obligations and conditions between an employer and employee. It generally states the relationship between the two parties. Any breach of contract by any side is not acceptable by law. Contractual entitlements often include: †¢ Amount of pay and when it is paid †¢ Type of employment: whether it is temporary or fixed. †¢ Hours of work †¢ Notice period †¢ Disciplinary rules †¢ Pension benefits TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS Here are the four most common types of employment found in the Maldives. †¢Permanent employment is commonly found in the public sector where profit and loss are not very significant. And this type of employment usually provides job guarantee throughout the employees working life †¢Temporary employment helps businesses to manage costs more effectively as employees are expected to leave the organization after a certain period of time †¢Zero-hour contracts are more flexible as an employer pays only for the hours that have actually been worked and does not specify a specific amount of hours †¢In a self-employed contract a person is asked to a job but on the basis that they are doing it as if they are running their own business. They have to sort out their own National Insurance, tax, sick pay and holiday pay. MANAGING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Managing employee performance is important to make sure that set targets are consistently being met in an effective and efficient way. Appraisal systems in an organization are designed to motivate and encourage  employees to perform to the best of their ability. Targets are set by the employer which will later be evaluated at the review meeting. Then the targets will be measured against what has been achieved by the employee and a decision will be made on how well the employee has performed. Sometimes, self-appraisal systems are also implemented where the employees analyze their own performance by setting themselves personal targets to achieve. Self-appraisal helps employees to manage and increase their own performance making them more motivated in the workplace. The second technique used to manage employee performance is linking rewards to performance. Employers can offer either monetary or non-monetary rewards to encourage employees to work harder. Carefully monitoring employee performance is important to ensure that desired results have been achieved. Giving a reward for performance is only effective if the right outcomes are achieved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reduce hospitalization of nursing home residents

Reduce hospitalization of nursing home residents Nursing home care for the elderly has been a common practice in the US for many years. Normally, this practice has proved to be a beneficial intervention to many people who are in constant need of special care and treatment, once they have entered their golden years. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reduce hospitalization of nursing home residents specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The practice also serves as a big relief to many families who may often find themselves tangled in great dilemma on how to best cater for either both or one of their parents who is not able to live independently, as a result of advanced age. Moreover, it is in the best will of the US government to administer special medical concern on the aging generation as it has been constituted in the health regulations. Bearing the above concerns in mind, home care for the elderly is a necessary intervention in USA and it has always been a welcomed ide a in all the states. However, no matter the overall benefits associated with nursing care, there have been great concerns recently, following increased hospitalization of residents of nursing homes (Feder and Komisar, 2005). Oftentimes, this has resulted into numerous hospitalization complications for the patients and unnecessary health care expenditures that have amounted into billions of dollars. This concern has triggered a number of multifaceted strategies and policy measures that are likely to prevent unnecessary hospitalization of nursing home residents, thus helping to address the current incentives associated with the practice. One such approach which has proved to be promising in addressing this matter is INTERACT. INTERACT, which is an acronym for ‘Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers’ is a special program of improvement whose main focus and mission is to take care of acute change in the condition of home care residents in the US. As it would be obse rved, the main objective of this program is to establish desirable care conditions in nursing facilities, thus minimizing the frequency of avoidable hospitalization of home care residents. These frequent but unnecessary hospitalizations have raised conflicting financial conflicts between Medicaid and Medicare, the two bodies involved in providing for nursing homes and hospital services, respectively. This however, has been observed to be as a result of inadequate or even lacking health care facilities within many nursing care homes. Some of these facilities would include radiology services, on-site pharmacies and well-trained staff in matters of health. INTERACT comes with educational and clinical tools, among other key strategies that would be necessary in addressing the recurring health issues associated with long-term care institutions (Loeb and Carusone, 2008). Through these interventions, INTERACT has proved to be able to identify and manage health conditions before they can reach stages that necessitate hospital intervention. Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This policy measure can be an effective intervention in helping to reduce unnecessary hospitalization of patients from long-term care facilities. According to recent studies on proposed interventions that have been designed with the aim of minimizing avoidable hospitalizations of nursing care residents, INTERACT has proved to be promising in all settings. However, just like any other realistic strategy, this intervention has its own limitations and disadvantages. One of the biggest limitations associated with the program is that, it is yet to be fully accepted by many nursing home residents, as an effective strategy that could be used to address most of their seemingly complex health problems. Most people who have entrusted their loved ones in the care of nursing care facilities wo uld prefer hospitals to be the most promising intervention when it comes to the health of their elderly loved ones (Kayser-Jones and Wiener, 1999). Another possible limitation of this intervention is that, it is known only in some states and it is yet to be established in many nursing homes across the country. Publicity of INTERACT as a program having the necessary infrastructure and leadership commitment in health care matters for the elderly is one promising way that can be used to overcome these issues. The other possible way to deal with the limitations of the program in its services is to advocate for its acceptance by taking it into every corner of the country where it is needed by nursing care residents. References Feder, J. and Komisar, H. (2005). Long-term care in the United States: An overview. Health Affairs, 19 (3), 40-56. Kayser-Jones, J and Wiener, C. (1999). Factors contributing to the hospitalization of nursing home residents. The Gerontologist, 29 (4), 502. Loeb, M . and Carusone, S. (2008). Effect of a clinical pathway to reduceAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reduce hospitalization of nursing home residents specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More hospitalizations in nursing home residents with pneumonia. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 295 (21), 2503.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Vikings Essays - Hosiery, Trousers, Tunic, Military Uniform

The Vikings Essays - Hosiery, Trousers, Tunic, Military Uniform The Vikings The Vikings liked clothes and jewelry. The Vikings were proud of their appearance and liked to dress well. Most of their clothes were made of wool or linen that they had spun and woven themselves. The cloth was dyed with mineral or vegetable dyes of green, brown, red, yellow or blue. The men wore sleeved jerkins or three-quarter length coats over woolen shirts and long cloth trousers. On their feet they wore tall leather boots or soft shoes with short socks. The women wore long woolen dresses and linen petticoats which reached to their ankles. Their legs and feet were covered with thick woolly socks and soft leather shoes. Both men and women wore fur or woolen hats and cloaks when they went out in cold weather. Cloaks were fastened at the shoulder with brooches. Children probably wore the same kind of clothes as their parents. Everyone liked to wear gold and silver brooches, bracelets, necklaces, armbands and rings. Some of their jewelry was part of the loot from raids on foreign churches and monasteries. The Vikings and there war gear. The Viking was not a soldier in the modern sense. He spent as much time being a farmer, sailor, trader and explorer as he did fighting; and he had to provide his own equipment. Armor to protect the body took many hours of skilled work to make. It was certainly expensive, and was probably worn only by Viking leases and their picked household warriors. The other fighting men would have worn their everyday clothes, relying on an iron helmet and a sturdy wooden shield for protection. The sword was the most admired and honored weapon, and many Vikings would have carried one. The other weapon which became almost the trademark of the Norseman, was the heavy, two-handed battle-axe. This fearsome weapon, swung by a big, muscular man, could shear through any armor. Some warriors are said to have been able to behead a horse at a blow. Men who could afford neither sword nor axe used a thrusting spear. The northern people of Europe, the Barbarians, wore warm tunics and cloaks. They lived in colder, wetter conditions than did the people of the Mediterranean world. They needed to wear layers of warm and relatively close-fitted clothes. Celtic, Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon, and Viking men wore woolen trousers of various styles. Sometimes these were long and loose, or they were strapped onto the lower leg by bandages of linen or by leather thongs. A typical Barbarian wardrobe consisted of undertunic , shirts, trousers, overtunic, and cloak. Cloaks, tunics, gowns, nightgowns, boots, and mittens were often fur lined or edged with fur. The women did not wear trousers, but under their long tunics they sometimes wore leg coverings that were made of wool or linen. When it came to decorative details, individual cultures had distinctive styles. The Celts liked abstract patterns, while the Anglo-Saxons were especially fond of animal designs. In conclusion, the Vikings were very proud of their appearance. They wore beautiful clothes and jewelry and took great care in making their clothes and war gear. The Barbarians, on the other hand, were not as interested in beauty, they were interested in keeping warm because of the cold weather.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hacer Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples

Hacer Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples One of the most common verbs in Spanish, hacer, which means to make or to do, is highly irregular. This article demonstrates hacer conjugations in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. When conjugating hacer, the a in the stem sometimes changes to e or i, and the c sometimes changes to z or g. The only other verbs that follow the same conjugation pattern are those derived from it, such as contrahacer (to copy or to counterfeit), deshacer (to unmake or undo), and rehacer (to remake or redo). Using the Verb Hacer The verb hacer generally means to do or to make, but it can also be part of other useful expressions. For example, it can mean ago, as in duration of time. Hence, the phrase hace 10 aà ±os means ten years ago, and hace cinco minutos means five minutes ago. The verb hacer is also used to talk about the weather. For example, hace frà ­o means it is cold. You can make the same construction with hace calor, hace viento, hace fresco, etc. (it is hot, windy, cool, etc.). Hacer Present Indicative In the present indicative tense, the only irregular conjugation of hacer is the first person singular (yo). Yo hago I make Yo hago la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º haces You make Tà º haces la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hace You/he/she makes Ella hace artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hacemos We make Nosotros hacemos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hacà ©is You make Vosotros hacà ©is las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hacen You/they make Ellos hacen la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Preterite Indicative Notice that in the preterite tense, the a in the stem of hacer changes to an i. These are all irregular forms. Yo hice I made Yo hice la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hiciste You made Tà º hiciste la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hizo You/he/she made Ella hizo artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hicimos We made Nosotros hicimos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hicisteis You made Vosotros hicisteis las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hicieron You/they made Ellos hicieron la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is conjugated regularly, using the stem hac plus the imperfect ending for -er verbs (à ­a, à ­as, à ­a, à ­amos, à ­ais, à ­an). Remember that the imperfect can be translated as was making or used to make. Yo hacà ­a I used to make Yo hacà ­a la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hacà ­as You used to make Tà º hacà ­as la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella hacà ­a You/he/she used to make Ella hacà ­a artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros hacà ­amos We used to make Nosotros hacà ­amos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros hacà ­ais You used to make Vosotros hacà ­ais las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas hacà ­an You/they used to make Ellos hacà ­an la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Future Indicative The verb hacer is irregular in the future tense. Its conjugation starts with the form har-. Yo harà © I will make Yo harà © la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º hars Youwill make Tà º harsla comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella har You/he/shewill make Ella har artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros haremos Wewill make Nosotros haremos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros harà ©is Youwill make Vosotros harà ©is las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas harn You/theywill make Ellos harn la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer PeriphrasticFuture Indicative The periphrastic future is formed using the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive hacer. Yo voy a hacer I am going to make Yo voy a hacer la tarea todos los dà ­as. Tà º vasa hacer You aregoing to make Tà º vasa hacer la comida para la familia. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa hacer You/he/shegoing to make Ella vaa hacer artesanà ­as hermosas. Nosotros vamosa hacer We aregoing to make Nosotros vamos a hacer ejercicio en el gimnasio. Vosotros vaisa hacer You aregoing to make Vosotros vaisa hacer las compras en la tienda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana hacer You/they aregoing to make Ellos vana hacer la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Present Progressive/Gerund Form The equivalent of the English -ing form, gerund or present participle, is the -ando or -iendo form in Spanish. The gerund for hacer is formed regularly, using the ending -iendo. Present Progressive of Hacer est haciendo She is making Ella est haciendo artesanà ­as hermosas. Hacer Past Participle The past participle for hacer is irregular: hecho. One of the main uses of the past participle is to form compound tenses such as the present perfect. Present Perfect of Hacer ha hecho She has made Ella ha hecho artesanà ­as hermosas. Hacer Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is used to talk about possibilities, and is translated to English as would verb. For example,  ¿Quà © harà ­as por tus hijos? (What would you do for your children?). In the conditional indicative, the verb hacer is irregular and uses the stem har-. Yo harà ­a I would make Yo harà ­a la tarea todos los dà ­as si tuviera tiempo. Tà º harà ­as Youwould make Tà º harà ­as la comida para la familia si supieras cocinar. Usted/à ©l/ella harà ­a You/he/shewould make Ella harà ­a artesanà ­as hermosas si pudiera. Nosotros harà ­amos Wewould make Nosotros harà ­amos ejercicio en el gimnasio, pero es muy caro. Vosotros harà ­ais Youwould make Vosotros harà ­ais las compras en la tienda, pero es ms fcil por Internet. Ustedes/ellos/ellas harà ­an You/theywould make Ellos harà ­an la cama todos los dà ­as, pero se les olvida. Hacer Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is used to talk about doubts, desires, emotions, recommendations, or other subjective situations. Que yo haga That I make La maestra pide que yo haga la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hagas That you make Tu hijo quiere que tà º hagas la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella haga That you/he/she make El vendedor requiere que ella haga artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hagamos That we make El mà ©dico sugiere que nosotros hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hagis That you make El cocinero sugiere que vosotros hagis las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hagan That you/they make La abuela espera que ellos hagan la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used in similar situations as the present subjunctive, but in the past. There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. Option 1 Que yo hiciera That I made La maestra pedà ­a que yo hiciera la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hicieras That you made Tu hijo querà ­a que tà º hicieras la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella hiciera That you/he/she made El vendedor requerà ­a que ella hiciera artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hicià ©ramos That we made El mà ©dico sugirià ³ que nosotros hicià ©ramos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hicierais That you made El cocinero sugirià ³ que vosotros hicierais las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hicieran That you/they made La abuela esperaba que ellos hicieran la cama todos los dà ­as. Option 2 Que yo hiciese That I made La maestra pedà ­a que yo hiciese la tarea todos los dà ­as. Que tà º hicieses That you made Tu hijo querà ­a que tà º hicieses la comida para la familia. Que usted/à ©l/ella hiciese That you/he/she made El vendedor requerà ­a que ella hiciese artesanà ­as hermosas. Que nosotros hicià ©semos That we made El mà ©dico sugirià ³ que nosotros hicià ©semos ejercicio en el gimnasio. Que vosotros hicieseis That you made El cocinero sugirià ³ que vosotros hicieseis las compras en la tienda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas hiciesen That you/they made La abuela esperaba que ellos hiciesen la cama todos los dà ­as. Hacer Imperative The imperative mood is used to give direct commands. There are both positive and negative commands. Notice that the second person singular command haz is irregular. Positive Commands Tà º haz Make!  ¡Haz la comida para la familia! Usted haga Make!  ¡Haga artesanà ­as hermosas! Nosotros hagamos Let's make!  ¡Hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio! Vosotros haced Make!  ¡Haced las compras en la tienda! Ustedes hagan Make!  ¡Hagan la cama todos los dà ­as! Negative Commands Tà º no hagas Don't make!  ¡No hagas la comida para la familia! Usted no haga Don't make!  ¡No haga artesanà ­as hermosas! Nosotros no hagamos Let's not make!  ¡No hagamos ejercicio en el gimnasio! Vosotros no hagis Don't make!  ¡No hagis las compras en la tienda! Ustedes no hagan Don't make!  ¡No hagan la cama todos los dà ­as!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

U02d2 Stark 2 Legislation Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U02d2 Stark 2 Legislation Review - Essay Example ns are not allowed to refer patients to any designated health service where the physician or the immediate family will be benefited with a financial relationship, unless statutory exception exists. The fundamental reason to develop Stark II was to ensure that over utilization of the health care items are not made, and to provide the patients with a choice of health care that they can use, rather than limiting them to a single provider, or health care organization (Janney, 2005). Also, this was developed to help ensure there is fair competition among the health care industry and there is no form of monopoly that is set in the market. The enactment of this law has led to a positive aspect for the industry as it allows the patients to only take the tests that are needed rather than needing to take tests which are not needed but only given as a financial interest of the doctors. Also the patient can receive accurate information when a third party is involved. The SOX law was introduced to help ensure there is a protection of the public and the stakeholders to ensure that there are no accounting errors or any form of fraudulent practices. There is a direct relation between the SOX and the Stark II, as both of these acts are basically to ensure that there is no form of inaccuracy or frauds in the accounting and is mainly intended to assist the general public to ensure that businesses and organizations do not work in a method where the general public is harmed in any manner (Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2006). The two acts work in a manner where the doctors are required to maintain the internal accounting controls and also to ensure that the all accounting information is recorded accurately to control the ability of the parties to work in collusion with others (Pozgar, 2006). In conclusion, it is clear that compliance with the rules and regulations will lead to higher costs for the doctors and the hospitals, however these are developed to ensure that the end customers, i.e. the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Response paper - Essay Example These include India and China such that they can implement cleaner energy sources which other developed states are using. Clean energy sources include natural gas and nuclear, which are currently in use in rich states though they have taken long to reach at this development stage, a trend that started with coal. This is because as states become richer, they start focusing on how to limit emissions of obnoxious air pollutants as well as cleaning water for their respective citizens. Consequently, this prompts to the hypothesis people result to using cleaner sources of energy as their wealth continues to grow though they consume more energy. Despite this argument holding to be true among certain states, the notion of allowing individual states to pollute environment while trying to grow their economies is impractical. I do not agree that individual states should continue to pollute environment as long as their economies are growing. This is because through their respective authorities t hese states can adopt clean, cheap and even efficient energy sources, which are friendly to the environment like producer gas instead of coal or other related fuels whose emissions result to Greenhouse Gases. These states can also come up with effective processes meant to lessen usage of traditional fuels and reduce on their effluents, which in most cases end up disposed in water bodies. Therefore, they do not have any viable reason to support their claims towards contributing to environmental degradation in the name of enhancing or stabilizing their economies to equal those of developed states. Intentional pollution by these states while stabilizing their economies will only result to worse incidences that endanger their citizens’ lives besides prompting regimes to incur unnecessary expenses. This is evident in China where over the recent years and even up to date the state records high levels of both air and water pollutions. The latter is due to uncontrolled and careless r elease of obnoxious effluents from industries that channel their waste into water bodies especially in Beijing. Recently, environmental studies have confirmed all 37 Beijing Rivers their levels of contamination are beyond acceptable limits in terms of contamination. Consequently, this endangers lives of approximately 70 million people who depend on these rivers for water, which comprise the region’s five major water systems. Based on this rate of pollution, by allowing states to contaminate environment while trying to ensure intensive industrialization only results to pulling them downwards economically. This is because these states end up spending much money through their respective authorities in clean water bodies to obtain safe water for their desperate citizens. Colossal amount of money used to remove debris and other contaminants from these rivers regimes, could have avoided them earlier by not allowing intentional pollution. Water pollution in China has not only yielde d to making water unsafe for people but also aquatic life forms where the country currently experiences mass dying of fish in rivers. This is because of obnoxious pollutants from both industries and residential areas thrown in rivers. Similar losses incurred by the state though on the part of motorists were evident during the last concluded Olympics where the government

Nordic Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nordic Mythology - Essay Example That is not to say that the story of Beowulf and his appointment with Grendel is utterly lacking in cinematic potential, but rather that the bare bones of the story is perhaps too sparse for a filmmaker without exceptional talent to exploit. Even so, Beowulf is epic in scope and is perhaps unparalleled in treating universal themes ranging from heroism to envy, so why then did a somewhat recent film take its title and story only to execute the art of filmmaking in such a way that it bears almost no resemblance to its source material The 1999 film Beowulf differs most obviously from its source in setting. In fact, the setting seems closer to a post-apocalyptic world than a pre-modern one. Despite the fact that the movie clearly takes place in some vague and nebulous future, however, it also harkens backward in time and on occasion does seem to be a weird amalgam of the past and the future combined together to create some kind of bizarre present. For instance, King Hrothgar still lords over a medieval-type outpost, only now he has the benefit of some elements of advanced civilization at his disposal. The opening sequence of this version of the story presents a backstory that eventually centers on the fact that Hrothgar's kingdom, if you will, is currently the focus of attacks from some kind of reptilian beast and Hrothgar is helpless to put an end to the carnage. The film succeeds in showing that the basic core of any timeless mythological tale can be transplanted forward in time with very little difficulty. The great magic of mythology is that it isn't tied to time, but is sinuous enough in story and large enough in scope to easily cross the boundaries of not only time but also ethnic and racial divides. Beowulf may belong to the Norse mythological canon, but this film proves that its themes are widespread and can easily be adapted. The idea of the evil opponent being vanquished by the lone hero and saving the village has not only been translated forward in time with a still recognizable Grendel, but an argument could also be made that it forms the backbone of the classic weste rn Shane in which Alan Ladd plays a Beowulf-like character who arrives to kill the Grendelesque Jack Palance. Where this film version takes a risk that pays off is in the notion that the people are suffering from a curse because of the Grendel family. This idea is very much in line with the sense of patriotism and it even offers up a stopgap one of the nagging questions that the original poems leaves unanswered: why doesn't King Hrothgar leave Hereot rather than subject his people to the torture of Grendel's unceasing appetite for human flesh for twelve long years. The movie answers this nagging conundrum with the device of a siege line that ensnares the inhabitants within their outpost as a result of this curse. At the same time, the movement of the plot into the kind of nihilistic future that has become so predictable it threatens to become a clich is not a particularly good choice. In doing this the movie sacrifices the claims to patriotism and honor that makes Beowulf so memorable. The poem depict a community in which things like honor and heritage are essential to the very idea of bein g a warrior and the deaths they suffer at the fate of Grendel retain the glory of giving themselves over to an enemy in the

Bp oil spill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bp oil spill - Essay Example As a result of the explosion, an oil gusher located on the sea bed flowed relentlessly for around three months before the wellhead was finally successfully capped after a number of failed attempts (Robertson & Krauss, 2010). The oil spill had serious repercussions on Bp and its investors as well as other stakeholders in a number of related industries as the company had to claim responsibility for all the damage that was done as a result (Robertson & Krauss, 2010). The level at which the company was affected can be measured via the use of key indicators of performance related to the marketing industry. After investigations were conducted it was determined that Bp was to blame for the accident. However it was determined that Deepwater Horizon operator Transocean and Halliburton which was the contractor of the oil rig was also to blame for their various roles (Robertson & Krauss, 2010). The results of the investigation led to a number of repercussions especially for Bp in particular. Using long term Key indicators of performance one can determine that BP paid a large price for their mistake. In economic terms, BP took a large dent in their financial status as they ended up paying over 4 billion dollars in fines and other expenses in particular. Such a large financial effect can indicate the downfall of a company if not properly managed and handled in an economic manner (Parmenter, 2007). The image of BP also took a serious hit as organizations such as the EPA developed doubts over its integrity and as a result it lost its ability to vie for government contracts after the accident. This displays the fact that the company’s public image took a negative turn which can be dangerous if not overturned as soon as possible (Parmenter, 2007). The news reports also painted the company in a bad light as environmental and other organizations blamed the company for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Interrupting Flooding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interrupting Flooding - Assignment Example The rain garden should not be located straight over a septic system, it should also be built in sun and not under obstructions such as canopied trees among pother siting issues. The residential code regulates the construction of a rain garden by providing guidelines which must be followed. The cost of constructing rain garden is another inhibiting factor as the design should be deep enough to be costly. User profiles and needs: Surveys and interviews were conducted from different residents affected by the run-off during the rainy season to assess the extent of the problem. The users reported the following problems; Increase in pollution, Erosion of soil causes Sedimentation, Metal pollutants harm aquatic life, Stagnation of water increases the number of mosquitos, Contamination of water bodies with pesticides and Contribution of high temperatures among others. The problems are illustrated in the Pareto chart below. Design objectives: the design objects to solve the problem of the residents who experience high rates of surface run off during the rainy season. The design should be able to withstand percolation of water which reduces the amount of water running to the water bodies causing floods. The rain garden is designed to capture excess rainwater from hard surfaces which cannot percolate water such as driveways and cemented surfaces. The rain gardens are designed with beautiful flowers which can be attractive especially when in urban areas with poor drainage. The rain gardens are constructed with special features which enable them to capture the excess surface run-off. There are layers of sandy soil below the rain gardens which reduce the rate at which water enter the water bodies and the creeks. They are also effective in the removal of pollutants caused by fertilizers, nitrogen, dust and other wash off pollutants from the hard surfaces. Rain gardens are very effective as they can be mainta ined even in urban areas; they reduce runoff and protect the

Sam 489 assignment 7 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sam 489 7 - Assignment Example A discussion on the temporary service changes or modifications that might be necessary after disaster recovery is also important. Disaster is unpredictable. Even the most prepared businesses or organizations are prone to the adverse effects of disasters. In case of disasters, various agencies aid small businesses in disaster recovery. Such agencies include U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Farm Services Agency (FSA), Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), and other state agencies (Haddow, Bullock, & Coppola, 2011). The Federal Emergency Management Agency aids small businesses in disaster recovery through the provision of food, rescue services, water, housing, electrical power, and other basic resources (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2015). Indeed, FEMA provides temporary housing for small businesses like the gymnasium for a limited period. The agency also offers financial support to repair the damages caused by the disaster on small businesses not covered by the insurance (Wells Fargo Bank, 2013). FEMA also replaces destroyed buildings if such buil dings were not under any insurance cover (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2015). The agency can also provide direct assistance to support a permanent or semi-permanent construction of businesses affected by disasters (Wells Fargo Bank, 2013). Ultimately, the agency offers financial support for other expenses and severe basic or business needs emanating from the disaster. Other services covered by FEMA include crisis counseling, disaster unemployment assistance, legal services, and special tax considerations for affected small businesses (Haddow, Bullock, & Coppola, 2011). The Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) also aid small businesses in disaster recovery. Indeed, SBDC offers confidential assistance to affected businesses after a disaster (Haddow, Bullock, & Coppola, 2011). The U.S. Small Business Administration funds Small Business

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Interrupting Flooding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interrupting Flooding - Assignment Example The rain garden should not be located straight over a septic system, it should also be built in sun and not under obstructions such as canopied trees among pother siting issues. The residential code regulates the construction of a rain garden by providing guidelines which must be followed. The cost of constructing rain garden is another inhibiting factor as the design should be deep enough to be costly. User profiles and needs: Surveys and interviews were conducted from different residents affected by the run-off during the rainy season to assess the extent of the problem. The users reported the following problems; Increase in pollution, Erosion of soil causes Sedimentation, Metal pollutants harm aquatic life, Stagnation of water increases the number of mosquitos, Contamination of water bodies with pesticides and Contribution of high temperatures among others. The problems are illustrated in the Pareto chart below. Design objectives: the design objects to solve the problem of the residents who experience high rates of surface run off during the rainy season. The design should be able to withstand percolation of water which reduces the amount of water running to the water bodies causing floods. The rain garden is designed to capture excess rainwater from hard surfaces which cannot percolate water such as driveways and cemented surfaces. The rain gardens are designed with beautiful flowers which can be attractive especially when in urban areas with poor drainage. The rain gardens are constructed with special features which enable them to capture the excess surface run-off. There are layers of sandy soil below the rain gardens which reduce the rate at which water enter the water bodies and the creeks. They are also effective in the removal of pollutants caused by fertilizers, nitrogen, dust and other wash off pollutants from the hard surfaces. Rain gardens are very effective as they can be mainta ined even in urban areas; they reduce runoff and protect the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sports Organizations Essay Example for Free

Sports Organizations Essay Sports has become a very important part of every social being(Gerdy, 2002). The levels of involvement of people in sports has increased tremendously (Chak, 2003). Sports is defined as any activity that has specific rules that define how it is played and the main reason in engaging in such activities is to win (Gerdy, 2002). Sports has developed so much that sports organization have been forced to develop system that will help them engage in the competition that exists both in and out of the fields (Chak, 2003). Information technology especially the use of internet has come out as some of the most commonly used avenues through which such organizations can meet their objectives (Guttmann, 2007). The clubs have developed into money making organizations that have become so much absorbed into commercialization and financial practices that separating them from profit making organization is not an easy task (Norlin, 2002). Professionalism in sports has developed greatly due to increased mass media coverage that has made the games available to a wider audience, improvements in technology which have made the transmission of the games in a clear form to a larger audience and increase in incomes levels that has allowed a large number of people to engage in sports as leisure (Chak, 2003). Traditionally, sports is a social event where communities come together and join each other to celebrate (Chak, 2003). The nature of sports is thus voluntary from the very start in that the members of the community are free to chose whether or not they wanted to join in the games (Chak, 2003). Clubs and organization have embraced the principles of free will and there are many clubs and sports organization where members are free to join ad leave at their own will. Web Presence Web presence is a social definition of a website which is a collection of files stored in a database that are made available through the internet through specific universal resource locators (URL) addresses (Chak, 2003). The owner of the sites are responsible for updating the field and upgrading the data depending on the data policies (Chak, 2003). The files that contain data kept in the sites are only accessible to the administrator though there are situations where the sites are made to be as proactive and dynamic as possible through the aid of scripting languages and the use of programming languages that allow for dynamic programming in designing the websites (Chak, 2003). The dynamism associated with this kind of programming provide the web visitors with an interactive interface through which they can interact with the databases (Norlin, 2002). Professional Real Madrid The official site of the professional club based in Europe can be accessed through the URL http://www. realmadrid. com/cs/Satellite/en/Home. The site is comprehensive and contains lots of facts including the latest article, fixtures and results. The site is quite navigable and provides the option of either using English or Spanish. The sites provide a number of intra-page links to some of the issues and subjects that any sports fan could be interested in. The page uses colorful pictures and story heads which blend effectively to create a good visual impression. The site is updated twice in a week and is accessible as it uses the hypertext transfer protocol (http) that is implemented by most browsers and requires no additional plug-ins to be able o assess the homepage fully. The promoters of the club are also included in the clubs official site. The last date of update of the site is also included in the site. The site provides the capabilities of redirection to live matches and match casts and provides an efficient dialog box that is easily typed on for unstructured search. The speed of the searches and the nature of the response is effective in dealing with the user navigation requirements. Boston Celtic The official site of the professional basketball club based in North America can be accessed through the URL http://www. nba. com/celtics/. The language used is English and the site presents links to a number of articles. The page provides an interactive platform for interaction between the users who are allowed to vote on who they consider to be the player whose impact will be greatest. The results and fixtures of the club including the clubs best scorers and relevant statistic of the game have also been included. The site provides links to live coverage of games and to software that make access live streaming of game easier. Pictures and graphic that relate to the club have been included in the page and is then included are. The sponsors of the club have clearly been displayed in the sites, the fans can buy tickets and read the previews to a game through this site. The site provides links to contacts, fans and history of the team. Furthermore, the site provides the functionality for searching article and information that relate to the club through a dialog box. Club Atletico Boca Juniors The South American club official site can be accessed through the URL http://www. bocajuniors. com. ar/english/. The site is provided in English and has both text and graphics. The site has no link to the fans and the home page does not show any results. Navigation is easy though access to some resources have been restricted by the use of user names and passwords. The site also provides a platform for interaction with the fans as they are allowed to vote. Though the site is in English Spanish phrases and words can be seen in their pages. The date of last update does not appear anywhere in the page. Compared to the first two the site is less superior and has low visual appeal. Voluntary Bexley Athletic Club The club can be accessed through the URLhttp://www. bexleyac. co. uk/. The homepage has a short history of the club and provides links to other areas of interest. The links to results, records and statistics are such that if the user the user has to be extra careful to identify them. The page cannot be displayed fully if additional plug-ins have not been downloaded. The only form of interaction that the site has with the fans is a link that leads to a page that allows the users to shop on-line. The Sports Club/LA It is located in Boston, Massachusetts. Their official site can be accessed through the URLhttp://www. thesportsclubla. com/clubs/template. asp? Club=boston. The page can be opened by any browser and does not need additional plug-ins to display the content. Simplicity describes the homepage as it has the front view of the club followed by a short description of the facilities provided by the club. The external links are very few and the links to other pages though clearly displayed do no give the website visitors a chance to interact with either the site or other member of the club. The search functionality is aimed at getting the user to navigate to other clubs and does not in anyway help the user get information about the club. Castle Sports Club The official website can be accessed through the URL http://www. castlesportsclub. com/. The homepage is covered in texts and lacks in visual impression. There is no avenue for interaction with the site and the article are based on topics that could be of interest to members and those contemplating joining the club but not for the fans who may wish to find out more about their club. The page is full of news and does not in any way provide a searching mechanism, moreover the date of last modification of the site has not been indicated. Differences The are a key difference in the manner in which the professional and the voluntary sports franchise implement their websites. The functionality provided by the professional cites is of a much higher degree. The sites are fast and quite attractive they focus more on the aspects that an ordinary user could be interested in. The pages compared to the voluntary franchise have better links and can be opened without necessarily having to add additional plug-ins. The statistics posted by the professional franchise are focussed more on performance while those posted by the voluntary sports franchise focus more on skills and levels of development (Potts, 2007). The voluntary clubs have links to articles that relate more to social events while the professional clubs have links that are focussed more focussed on performance. The professional clubs present more dynamic websites that allow for interaction not only between the club and its fan but also within the fan base; voluntary sports organizations lack on this aspect as their websites are rarely interactive and if they are they provide limited functionality. Another major difference is the use of graphics: The professional franchise websites use more graphics than the voluntary sports organizations. The graphics in the professional sports franchise are aimed at bringing the feel of belonging and is often include images of players and glory moments. The voluntary sports franchise on the other hand have websites that rarely load images and if they do the images address issues that are of a social dimension.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economic Analysis of Nintendo

Economic Analysis of Nintendo Nintendo is a company which manufactures video games and gaming consoles and it is not new company as, it have been one of the oldest in the stock market. This company actually produces different devices of technology that upgrade the new videogames that had launched in the world, the name of Nintendo is very famous and became the most dominant in the in the games industry. And eventually most people universally known NES from many years and must have seen its success and also its debts from many years, which any company faces both of them. It was the leading game worldwide who dominated the market in video games for many years till their critical step they took in the year 1993, taking over SNES which is also known as Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo sold about 565 million of hard ware units and 3.4 billion software units and currently it is one of the best companies in the games history. (Techshout 2011) Nintendo Company Limited is one of the oldest and also one of the best games of all times which is originally from Japan, Kyoto. The name Nintendo was given by a Japanese name called HanaFuda which was launched in the year 1889 as a playing card. These cards were 52-deck playing card these were mostly made for exports but were later sold in Japan for the increasing population. However, later it grew and become one of the largest business producers in video games, selling games like The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokà ©mon and Super Mario Brothers. Even after so much completion if you ask any game producer company like Sony, Microsoft, and many more, where did they get the idea or the start Im sure they will tell you only one name Nintendo, the meaning of Nintendo in English means the thing we can do the best and rest leave it to God. Nintendo WII and Sony play station and also Microsoft Xbox went high in the stock market in the year of 2011where youngsters around had it. These ga mes have a lot of tools like listening to music and using internet and in that way they could download movies and play video games online. (Kotaku 2009) The first video game launched by Nintendo was the Nintendo ES, which was grey color box which had only x and o to play with, followed by many games like Nintendo super As, 64 Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo Revolution which was launched in late 2006. Hence, later famous games which had a good name and a great sales turnover for Nintendo which made their profit increase and produce more products, then the game boy launched in the market and after seeing such a big success it launched the advance version of its which was later called Gameboy advance, and then Nintendo DS. Nintendo noticed a great fall in its sales between Nintendo 64 and Nintendo, because of the great game launched by Sony, called the Sony PlayStation and people would buy Sony play station than Nintendo 64 and Nintendo. The Sony PlayStation 2 and also Microsoft which launched into the market its Product called Xbox, had some features of the other games but in an advanced level. Having some debts thing didnt affect Nintendo much because they knew that they will come back into the market with games that are more powerful than their last ones and in that case it would have the demand of the market by their side, with advance advanced gaming system, like now we can see in this graph that as it went by it keeps on increasing by million units. (Gizmodo 2006) 2. Trends analysis 2.1 Past of Nintendo The Game cube was unveiled on August 24th 2000 but customers were only allowed to buy it during the launch in November 18th 2001. During the launch of the GameCube, it was recorded as the fastest selling home video games console. Within North America over 500,000 systems were sold which was double than Microsofts Xbox and was 25% faster than the launch of the PS2. Nintendo had made about a $100 million on GameCubes and merchandise that was related and with the release of the Harry Potter and the sorcerers Stone earned them a gross of $93.5 million. (Cubicle2001). Even thou the Game Cube had done really well in its launch; it did have an outstanding performance well over the years after of its life hood the market share were majorly occupied by the Sony PlayStation2 and then Microsoft Xbox, leaving the Nintendo GameCube last. The game developing companies that produced games for each console have shown the destitution of their products to each console. This is a combination of EA, Avt ivision, UBISOFT, THQ, and Midway. These were companies that produced games. (the guardian 2012) You can see that the Sony PlayStation had an upper hand when it came to talks about market shares but over the quarters there have been substantial drops of sales. Not only just for Sony but also in Microsoft and Nintendo, yet still Nintendo being the worst out of them all. Even thou it was shown to be the greatest ever gaming consoles to be sold over there year leaving PS2 and Xbox to eat its dirt. 3. Economic Analysis 3.1 Production Possibility Frontier As Nintendo manufactures many gaming devices and consoles they always kept the primary objective as one. In 2009 when the new Nintendo DS was launched it made a great profit for Nintendo company and after one year when they fully launched Nintendo Wii which was a blast for the competition which made a profit of millions was in their choice that which one to manufacture more either the Nintendo DS or Nintendo Wii. And in the below given diagram u can see how do they do this. As in the diagram above you can see that the console Wii is manufactured in maximum rate of 2000 per month and if they manufacture 2250 Nintendo ds devices than they will make more Wiis and if they reduce the output for Wii than the output for Nintendo ds Wii increase. 3.2 supply and demand Demand for Nintendo device in the market and competition stands higher than Xbox and ps3 because Nintendo operates portable devices and consoles which other companies have not done yet. And Nintendo Wii was the first game in which you can actually react outside the screen and your own prototype will do the same movies in the screen. In Nintendo Wii you can have games that can provide you home fitness such as yoga, cardio exercises and such games which really help your movements to get refreshed and make you stay in fitness. After Nintendo Wii was launched Xbox bought up their Kinect through which you can do the similar things as Nintendo Wii but with better graphics and improved technology than Nintendo Wii. Quantity Demanded In the diagram above you can see the demand for the Nintendo Wii and as you can see the demand for the console is high and people are ready to buy it in an affordable price and if there is a decrease in price of Wii than the demand for it will increase automatically. Nintendo has their supply all over the world and it makes great amount of profit from all the places where it supplies its devices and consoles. If Nintendo would increase the value of their products, people would not wish to buy their products anymore so they should supply in a particular limit in the monthly basis and in that case they should keep lower prices from which they can take their profit out and a price which would be reasonable for the people to buy. In the diagram above as you have seen that Nintendo supplies at the price of P1 and they supple Q1 amount of goods so if Nintendo starts to transport more goods than they will have to increase the price together as well because of the other cost of exporting the goods. 3.3 Opportunity Cost In 2007 Nintendo DS was one of the best portable device and 170,000 devices were sold in Australia and if in one country Nintendo DS was sold in thousands of quantity then how much would they would have sold in the rest of the part of the world. When Nintendo Wii was launched it was a big challenge for the other gaming competitors because it was a total different technology and which made sales huge amount of sales around the world and at that time Nintendo DS was not that competitive so Nintendo lowered down the sales of Nintendo DS and the plan they had was to keep Wii in the market and stop Nintendo DS and after a while bring up Nintendo DS up with a better technology so as they planned they have now launched their latest Nintendo 3DS which is a convenient device and in which the games are all in 3D and without using 3D glasses people will be able to play in 3D just believing in their eyes. 3.4 Economies of scale As Nintendo has a very good reputation in the market and they hold a very good position in the market and people are willing to buy their products more so if Nintendo increases the quantity of supplying more goods and specializing on more technology which is going to happen if they get more capital into the business and invest them to get more machinery for more output and making sure of using them properly because it will be of no use if they get a new machine and they dont use it. More supply and decreasing the prices will result into economies of scale. 3.5 Pricing When a product is manufactured the cost of making that product is the original price of the product and the value added on it is the profit and the original value is used to manufacture same product again and the profit left after it is either distributed or invested into the business for more production. 3.6 Law of diminishing Returns Nintendo is a multinational company and it operates in more than one country so it is a huge company and they loads of sales and profit earnings they must have many employees labors. Having many labors a firm and giving them the same task is not that good because there will be some of them who will try to escape from work and be dependent on others which is not there and they will not be affected by anything because they will be paid in the end of the month. It is always better to have limited amount of labors and giving every different labor an altered task. Removing the lazy workers and having the good ones is always a better option and which will also save cost and that amount can be used in many other things such as getting more raw materials, giving more security services to the workers who work, savings for the working workers and in the end of the month giving them bonuses and etc. 3.7 Production cost and nature of competition for Nintendo: Nintendo is a Japanese company that specializes in video game consoles. The product line includes Game Boy line, Color TV Game, NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), SNES, Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game-Cube, Game-boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and various video games that are sold world-wide. Nintendo: Production Cost Nintendo is clearly the leading video game selling console for the current generation. It manages to sell more than the leading rivals combined on a regular basis and now there are suggestions that indicate Nintendo might be prepared to reduce prices in order to make its devices even more attractive. Analysts have said that costs associated with manufacturing Nintendo devices have fallen quite clearly since the initial introduction into the market. In fact, the various components and the process itself has been discovered to be 45% cheaper. As a result, the gaming device will get a price cut in order to boost sales. In some ways the price reduction has been seen as necessary for Nintendo due to its recently disappointing performance in some regions. A reduced manufacturing price for Nintendo devices means that the company is making more money on each console it sells. Other sources have discovered that just because Nintendo can it doesnt mean it will drop the systems price. This might be especially relevant for consumers in areas which recently saw the devices take a hike in price due to the declining value of their currency. Overall, some consumers find the company currents devices to be expensive but others say its fair considering the technology offered, so whether or not we agree with the current prices or not, it all comes down to whether or not we believe we are getting our moneys worth. Either way, whoever at Nintendo figured out a cheaper way to construct the devices must have earned a promotion. Conclusion Nintendo a well know Japanese multinational corporation based in Kyoto, Japan is the worlds most famous gaming company specialized in card and video gaming, Founded by Fusajiro Yamachi when it first started to produce card games which it aimed for export but was also demanded by the local market and has lead it into becoming worldwide gaming company with millions of production each year and new version coming up often with better and much more functions. It has kept high profile for its goodwill till the 1990s,However it has seen a decrease in its sales after the competition firms such as Sony, Microsoft etc. till 2006 until the production of the Nintendo Revolution which has given the organization a goodwill and brought it back to the market. Moreover which has given the green light to create an advanced version of it called Gameboy and later changed it to Gameboy Advanced with faster processors and better effects. On the other hand Nintendo plans to launch a new home console sometime in 2012 and has also show interests in increasing the Nintendo 3DS and Wii awareness. Nintendo is aiming to have a steady release of software over the next year, no huge gaps between releases as it seems, however there has been no dates issued but has disclosed the future plans as the following There are plans to enhance the line-up for the 3DS, internationally Nintendo says beginner, middle and core gamers are all related Nintendo is dedicated to expanding the core gamer audience More collaborations with third parties is promised, including content for online networks Nintendo wont allow another gap in software releases Steady stream of software to be released next year 16 million 3DS hardware sales target is not conservative, but aggressive The priority this year is 3DS hardware sales, and as such, Nintendos profitability has been sacrificed Nintendo is aiming to grow the 3DS to being a core platform There isnt a lot of opportunity for Street Pass in USA Implied release of Wii U to be later than June 2012 Assumption of Wii U launch in Japan in September, EU/NA in November The Wii Us final version will be shown at E3 next year Nintendo is aiming to accelerating digital offerings and downloadable content A Pokà ©mon game may be arriving in Spring, and it might be related to Poke Park 2 (Nardi 2011)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Teaching Status Report :: Teaching Education Essays

Teaching Status Report My experiences at Dunn middle school are quite different then I had originally anticipated. All of the research I did on the school itself and what I heard from others about their experiences prepared me for the worst. What I ended up with was a classroom full of eager young students to learn. They may not be eager to learn the basics, math, science, history, etc. However, they are eager to find out new things. My job now is to make sure that I incorporate the basics into what they want to learn or vice versa. The students in my classroom each have a unique personality, no two are even similar, but every one of them is interesting and has potential to be great learners and people. I was expecting to walk into a room full of out of control hoodlums. I expected there to be things thrown across the room, the boys all dressed in gang colors, and the girls dressed like Beyonce with stomachs hanging out. During my first few days of observation I learned that the students respected the teacher. This was very relieving because I knew that the students would quickly learn to respect me as a teacher and an adult. My cooperating teacher was very encouraging and has helped us to learn a lot about the classroom. He is a very strict teacher and puts up with no nonsense. However, he if you follow his rules he will ease up and allow some sliding. His teaching style is very different then mine is. He likes to have the kids write on the board and teaches most of his classes from his seat in front of his desk. I don’t know that this is the wrong way to teach, it is simple different then my personal style. I am a very energetic person and want to share my energy and passions with the students. I like to get up and walk around the class and get the kids excited about the lesson at hand. As far as discipline goes I really think that I can learn a great deal from my co-op.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Winston Churchill Essay -- essays research papers fc

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Winston Churchill was one of the most influential people in this century. He held many offices, jobs, and positions that greatly affected the life of the British, and the history of the world. In Blenheim Palace at Woodstock on November 30th, 1874, Winston Churchill was born.1 He grew up as the first child of Lord Randolph Churchill.2 Lord Randolph Churchill held a seat as a member of Parliament and was considered a notable politician.3 Churchill's mother, the former Miss Jennie Jerome, was an American, whose father was a newspaper proprietor.4 Being in politics, Lord Randolph and his family traveled much, and bonded rarely. Winston Churchill was a disappointment to his father in many ways. For these reasons, Winston and his father were never close.5 Since Winston did not spend much time with his parents, a nanny was hired to take care of him and his younger brother.6 Her name was Mrs. Everest and she lived with the Churchill family for many years.7 Winston turned to her for many things and always felt her important role, by showing him affection throughout his life.8 Throughout his childhood, Churchill was described as an untidy, mischievous child. He was sent to boarding school, where he was constantly doing badly in his schoolwork, and also getting into trouble. Even though Churchill did badly in many areas of school, it was noted that he had a phenomenal memory. When he was thirteen he won a prize for reciting 1,200 lines from Macauley's Last Days of Ancient Rome, without a mistake.9 Winston Churchill was an individualist. He disliked team games such as cricket or football. He did however, excel in fencing, which earned him a silver medal in a school competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After finishing school, Winston went on to fight in the British Army. He loved head-to-head combat, but rarely saw much of it at this time. He served in many places and with many regimens, but his love for active service never decreased. Throughout his war career Churchill went through many things, such as being captured by Rebel forces in Cuba. Churchill was sent to a POW camp, but after four weeks he managed to succeed in his goal of escaping the prison.10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While on duty Churchill sent articles to Newspapers and magazines. To earn money he wrote for the 'Morning Post'... ...sp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia 8.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 8 9.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg.10 10.) Donovan, Frank. Famous Twentieth Century Leaders (Dodd, Mead & Company. New York, 1964) Pg. 116 11.) Carter, Violet Bonham. Winston Churchill: An Intimate Portrait. Harcourt, Brace & World INC., New York, 1965. 12.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg.16 13.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 19 14.) 'Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.'; 15.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 26 16.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 31 17.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 40 18.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 43 Churchill 'talking about what to come in the future'; 19.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 62 20.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 62 21.) Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia 22.) Bailey, Eva, Churchill ( Landsdowne Place, 1981.)Pg. 65 General de Gaulle, on the death of Churchill.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Adaptation & Accountability Essay

There are a lot of measures where accountability can be checked in a workplace. However, there are still a lot of companies that mess up with such processes. Accountability is important in the workplace especially that most companies are grounded in some sort of bureaucracy where someone is supervising a department and supervisors report to managers and so on. It is only through an accountability measures that work in such setup could be well done. Accountability does not only involve accepting a work and doing it, â€Å"true accountability involves taking ownership of your work and viewing your job as a stakeholder would († On the other hand, Robert Staub defines accountability as â€Å"a systemic issue and must be understood in terms of a systems approach if it is to really work in any group, family or organization. It is a system of individuals, linked in a chain of mutuality, taking personal and group responsibility to achieve something meaningful.† In a publishing company where I work, a lot of papers are involved as an accountability measure and they are effective. It is necessary for people to sign in or complete forms before the next process is to be completed especially for writers because they are fully responsible to the articles they write. At the start of every magazine issue, an article checklist is given to the writer in duplicate. This checklist contains the column title, article title, writer’s name, layout artist’s name, date submitted/completed and remarks. This form should be accomplished and one copy be returned to the Editor-in Chief. That form is used by the editor to follow-up the status of the articles being written or submitted to the writer. There is another form called the status report. This is almost the same as the checklist but in expanded and more detailed form. This is also accomplished in duplicate, one for the writer, the other for the layout artist. The chart contains the column title, article title and writer’s name, edited, first proof, second proof, photo and press. This guides the writer in the status of the folder he/she is processing for completion. He/she will enter the dates in the given columns to see whether everything is already completed or not. It helps the artists to countercheck whether he/she is putting the appropriate photos or the right bylines in the right articles. Sometimes, these status reports are checked by the supervisor to see whether the printing press can accommodate the printing of the magazines at a given time or if it needs to be outsourced. Moreover, it also helps the coordinator to track the articles of contributors and to follow them up. Those charts were designed to tell who is accountable for such work especially when there are errors. The employees may lie but the papers they have accomplished themselves not. Those are also necessary for evaluation purposes at the end of the publication cycle. The department may know how to be become more effective and efficient in terms of workforce and resources. These processes are made clear at the onset of training for new employees and they are mutual agreement in the department. Deborah Mackin in her article Growing Responsibility and Accountability in the Workplace, proposed the RACI Chart as one of the tools which may be similar of that above. The RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It will help people to know their responsibilities, who is accountable for such work, whom he or she is accountable to, who will be consulted and how and who to inform. Basically, such chart should be present in a workplace so the management is certain why are they hiring people and people are particular at the jobs they have to accomplish. References â€Å"Accountability in Today’s Workplace.† Retrieved December 12, 2008 from Staub, R. 2005. Accountability and its role in the workplace. The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area. Retrieved December 12, 2008 from Mackin, Deborah. _______. Growing Responsibility and Accountability in the Workplace. Retrieved December 12, 2008 from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How many of you love cats and would like one?

I hope this speech will help you become sane and understand the craftiness in a feline. But for those who already own one I am sorry but all hope has been lost. I am here to talk to you about a club that I am truly committed to. It is called CHOW. I doubt many of you have ever heard of it but it stands for Cat. Haters. Of. The. World. Cats are the most selfish, evil eyed, greedy, filthy things in the world. What do you think cats are sitting around lazing around for? They are coming up with ideas on how to trick the owner and steal food if not how to kill Barack Obama and become the first evil eyed monster to become the president and who would be the first lady. They are cunning creatures who think they own the world. Well let me tell you now; they don't. Have you ever endured the aggravation that is given by a cat when it imitates what you do? Well I have done so many times seeing as there are about sixteen cats in the awful household next door no wait the parasites have also invaded my doorstep and under my dad's car, my garage and my roof. I mean these killers have left their fresh kill under our porch doormat to stop it being taken away by my old neighbour. The squeaking and the squishy, mushy feeling that is created on every step taken by myself isn't pleasant seeing as two weeks later my sister had revealed the horrors of the dark side that lay beneath our door mat. It will never be normal again. Having seen all that sticky oozy blood I can never step foot on that step ever again. Surely an old man of about ninety years old should be caring for his own health than his devil cats. Has he not discovered the real truth behind these supposedly â€Å"cute babies†. Approximately seventy percent of the Earth sees the reality behind the black fur and the huge eye sockets with coloured eyes. Some may say I have missed the fact that they do not harm, yet have you realised that they are in fact associated with witches. In fact there is a black cat who tries to pounce at me every time I try to throw a bag at it. As you may or not know I throw like a chicken so I don't really understand what the cat tries to do but I can tell you that it is not normal. Don't worry I have checked to make sure that no one is watching. It does not help that I am allergic to them but their really big eyes scare me. Once upon a time in a house in a town called Wembley, I watching TV and eating chips when an overweight obscure tomcat came and sat on the same scarlet coloured sofa as me. I had not realised until my sister had went into the dining room screaming.